










会場:  ヒルボーン英会話・パソコン教室


時間:  2012805日 午前10:00-11:30

費用:  0円

持ち物: 2-5種袋または苗 市販の種でも、






Saving Seed Primer (はじめての自家採種)

Borage Flowers
Seed saving is a wonderful hobby, and a great tool for self reliance. By saving seed from our best plants in the garden, we are creating a local version of the plant- one that will do well in your garden.



There are two main methods of natural pollination- wind and insects.
Wind pollinated plants like corn spread pollen on the wind, and it can travel quite far. So your neighbor's corn may pollinate yours if you aren't careful. That is not such a problem here in Japan, but in the US, many gardener's corn is being contaminated by GM corn pollen carried on the wind.

(* 自然受粉には風媒、水媒、動物媒、自動同花受粉がある

Insects are more specific. The best known pollinating insects are of course the bees. Bees will scout out your garden, find a mass of flowers that are ready. They also tell their hive where the flowers are, so that a mass of bees can come and do the pollination all at once. But they will visit other flowers too, leading to cross pollination possibilities.


Here are some basic seed saving techniques.(自家採種のしかた~基本編~)
  1. Alternate years. Plants in the brassica family (cabbages, hakusai, turnip, etc..) very easily cross. If you are not careful, you can end up with "Kabutsuna" or "Hakubetsu." One way around this dilemma is to save the seeds from your different brassicas at different times. For example, save cabbage seeds on even numbered years, and daikon seed on odd numbered years. 1年おきにとる方法。アブラナ科(キャベツ、白菜、蕪、大根、小松菜など)の植物は、混合受粉しやすいため、注意しないと、雑種(キャベ菜だったり、蕪つ菜)が出来てしまいます。これを避ける一つの方法として、時期をずらして採種する方法があります。例えば、偶数年にはキャベツの種を奇数年には大根の種を採種します。(*その年に採種しない種類の作物は収穫後、開花前に花芽を摘んでしまう(茎を切ってしまう)ことで、その年に採種する種類だけを開花させる方法)
  2. Alternate day caging. If you have row covers that will keep out bees, you can cover different varieties of plants to keep bees and other insects from exchanging pollen between them. Using cabbage and daikon for example again, on even numbered days, cover the flowering cabbages, and odd numbered days, the flowering daikon. This will keep pollen exchange to a minimum, and allow you to save seeds from two members of the same family in the same year.日によって被いをかける方法。虫除けの寒冷紗などの被いを用意して蜂などの昆虫による混合受粉を避けることが出来ます。例えば、キャベツと大根の場合、偶数日にはキャベツに、奇数日には大根に覆いをかければ、混合受粉の可能性を低く保つことが可能となり、同じ年に複数種類のアブラナ科の種の採種が出来るようになります。
  3. Hand pollination. If you go out very early, you can pollinate some plants like squash by hand. Then close the flower's petals with a piece of gum tape to prevent insects from adding other pollen to the mix.人工授粉。早朝に畑に出掛けて、手動で受粉させます。その後、昆虫による混合受粉を避けるために、花ビラをテープでとめて閉じておきます。(*受粉させない花は摘んで取り除く)
  4. Distance. If you have a lot of space, you can grow different varieties far apart and reduce the chance of cross pollination.距離を置く方法。もし広大な土地を持っているなら、混合受粉の可能性がある植物は離れた所に植えることが出来ます。
Thanks to Rinoyu for the excellent translation!


Seed Vocabulary~種の種類 英語と日本語の違い~

Organic, heirloom, hybrid, stabilized, open pollinated.... There are a lot of confusing words floating around when it comes to seeds. So we thought we could write a post about some of the similarities and differences between some of these words.

  • Open Pollinated Seeds(*自然受粉種、在来種、固定種): This means that the seeds of the plant can be saved to grow the same plant again. Of course if there are other varieties growing nearby, the seeds may become hybrids. However, with care you can save the seeds from them every year and never have to pay money for those seeds again. Most open pollinated vegetables ripen over a longer harvest season than commercial hybrids. This makes them very useful to the home gardener. Rather than having all your beans (for example) in the same week, you can harvest it over a longer time.

  • Hybrid Seed(ハイブリッド、F1、一代交配種): Many seeds from the big seed companies are hybrid. Hybrid plants tend to be more disease resistant, higher yielding, and more vigorous growers than open pollinated. Most of the plants will flower, fruit, and ripen at the same time. However, if you save seeds from hybrid plants, you don't know what kind of plant the seeds will grow into. They may revert back to one of the parent plants, or much less likely, the same as the hybrid. So you will have to buy the seeds new every year.

  • Stabilized Hybrid Seeds(F1からの固定種、スーパーF1種): These are seeds that were originally hybrid seeds, but have been selected for generations to become open pollinated. You can save the seeds from these plants and grow the variety every year.

  • Organic seeds(オーガニック、無農薬、自然種): Most people know what we mean when we say "Organic" when talking about vegetables and seeds. The most basic meaning is that no pesticides or chemical fertilizers were used when growing the plant. Organic seeds can be either open pollinated or hybrid, since it only refers to how they are grown.

  • Heirloom seeds(エアルーム、家宝種): These are open pollinated seeds that have been grown for generations. Some people define true heirloom seed varities to be over 100 years old. Other people say varieties that were developed before 1951 are heirlooms. Local heirloom seeds are valuable since they are adapted to your region. They are generally resistant to local plant disease and insect, bear well, and carry on a tradition of self-reliance.

Thank you to Rinoyu for the wonderful Translation!







  1. 数種類の種(市販でも、実家採集した物でも)を用意し、自分が蒔きたい分をとってから、余った種を封筒や袋に入れる。
  2. 袋に種類や蒔き方を簡単に書く。
  3. 会場では用意されたテーブルに置く。
  4. 他の人が持ってきた種を見て、栽培についてお互いに質問しあう。
  5. 好きな種をもらう。

